
Gooku嶄新推出的新一代抗菌水瓶,是採用納米及先進材料研發院 (NAMI)率先研發的抗菌技術的產品系列,並不使用殺菌化學劑,便能安全有效地減少有害細菌滋生。該項抗菌技術獲得2021年日内瓦國際發明展的「評判特別嘉許金獎」的殊榮。


Gooku's new generation of antibacterial water bottles is a product series that uses the antibacterial technology pioneered by the Nano and Advanced Materials Research Institute (NAMI), which can safely and effectively reduce the growth of harmful bacteria without the use of bactericidal chemicals. This antibacterial technology won the honor of " Gold Medal with Congratulations of Jury" at the 2021 Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions.